BSA Troop 111 Charlotte, NC

Welcome to Troop 111 Charlotte, NC

Troop Intro
Scouts BSA Troop 111 is chartered by Providence United Methodist Church. Troop 111 is a girl led troop that utilizes the patrol method under the guidance of a Scoutmaster and other trained Assistant Scoutmasters. The troop meets at the church at 2810 Providence Rd. Charlotte, NC. We meet every Monday from 7:00 - 8:30 PM except July and August when the troop takes a break.

Scouts and Parents please note
To view activities that the troop is involved in we have transitioned into Facebook and Instagram

We have transitioned to the BSA ScoutBook site for the troop calendar and to sign up for outings and events.  You can also review your yearly dues and other fees on Scoutbook. You will also find your scout's latest advancement information there as well.  The web address is  You will need to login with your ID and password.  Continue to come to this site for documents you may need in the Resources section.. Note: No ID or password needed on this site.  Let us know if you have any questions.